Tullawon Health Service Incorporated (GP8825)
RACGP Standards 5th Edition
Accredited (28/11/2024 – 28/11/2027)
Clinic Opening Hours
Mon – Fri: 9AM – 5PM
Sat – Sun: Oncall
Public Holidays: Oncall
(Please note our Clinic closes between 12.30pm-1.30pm each day, but will be oncall)
After hours please call: (08)8625 6237 or 0427 256 237
For any clinical information/enquiries please send us an email to: healthinfo@tullawon.org.au
Or in case of an emergency call: 000
Services Available
Adult Health Checks
Child Health Checks
Chronic Disease Management
Cardiac Management
Cholesterol Checks
Dietary Advice
Diabetes Education
SEWB Services (Counselling, Link-up, DV support)
Alcohol & Other Drugs Services
Substance misuse advice
Wound Care
Pregnancy Support
Sexual health
Ear health
Eye health
Emergency Response Services
RFDS visits 3 Wednesdays a month. Please see reception for the next RFDS visit date.
KWHA visits are every second Thursday and Friday each month.
Home visits are available in limited circumstances and must be discussed with the Clinic Manager or Nurses.
Longer consultations are available on request.
All services are free of charge for Community members and transient clients.
Getting Results
Your Doctor, Nurse, or AHW will advise when they expect the results to arrive at the Clinic. The GP or one of the health team will contact you for any follow up care that is required.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of THS to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. You have the right to access your personal health information, address such requests with the RAN or AHP Team Leaders.
Your Rights
If you have a problem, we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to any member of the health team. All complaints must be made in writing, addressed to the Board, CEO or Clinic Manager (staff can assist you). You can also write to us or use the suggestion box if you believe that there are areas we can improve on. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints very seriously.
Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner South Australia (HCSCC)
T: (08) 8226 8666
T: 1800 232 007
Communication Policy
If a staff member is unable to take your phone call, please leave a message with the medical receptionist and the staff member will endeavour to return your call asap. Alternatively another staff member will attempt to assist you. Electronic communication is also possible. All staff members are bound by privacy and confidentiality policies and procedures.
Translating Services
Translating services are available – please discuss this with reception or AHWs, preferably before your visit.
THS has a no smoking policy. Smoking is not allowed within 5 metres of the Clinic.