Organisation Key Positions
The Membership of Tullawon Health Service consists of all Anangu adults (18 yrs +) recognised as residents living on the Yalata or Maralinga Tjarutja lands.
The Board of Management (BoM) is elected by the Membership at annual general meetings. The Board is responsible for providing the strategic directions to be taken by THS and for oversighting the work of the CEO as outlined below. It reports to the Membership at AGMs and to funding bodies as required.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for executive management and overseeing the internal operations of THS under the strategic framework set by the BoM and is accountable to the BoM. The CEO has responsibility for the management of all employees and delegated contractual requirements.
The Anangu Program Manager (APM) has overall responsibility for advising and guiding THS BoM with governance obligations. The APM supports the communications with the local community regarding THS and reports to the CEO.
The Chief Operations Officer (COO) is responsible for contract management compliance and sits as part of the executive management team and reports to the CEO. The COO directly oversees the operations of the Human Resource General Manager and the Program Services General Manager
The Human Resources General Manager (HR) role is to plan, organise, direct, control and coordinate the human resource and workplace relations activities within THS and reports to the COO and CEO. The HR Manager directly oversees the Admin Team Leader.
The Admin Team Leader is responsible for overseeing and implementation of a range of financial and administrative activity at Yalata and reports to the HR Manager and COO. The Admin Team Leader directly oversees the Admin Reception, Maintenance Team, Cleaners and Work Health and Safety.
The Program Services General Manager provides leadership, quality and guidance in relation to Industry Quality Standards through the day to day supervision of the program Team Leaders and reports to the COO in the first instance and the CEO as required.
The Family and Maternal Health Team Leader is responsible for promoting a healthy lifestyle program for mothers, babies and young children and reports to the Program Services General Manager in the first instance and to the COO and CEO as required.
The Remote Area Nurses, the Aboriginal Health Practitioners and Aboriginal Health Workers are jointly responsible for implementing an integrated approach to THS primary health care programs and services under the direction of the CEO. They report to the Clinic Team Leader in the first instance and to the Program Services General Manager, COO and CEO as required.
The Social Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) staff are responsible for the provision of counselling, and support services to community members and in particular to members of the ‘Stolen Generation’ and other effected family members, and reports to the SEWB Team Leader in the first instance and to the Program Services General Manager, COO and CEO as required
The Aged Care Support Workers are responsible for direct client contact in the provision of aged and report to the Aged Care Team Leader in the first instance and to the Program Services General Manager and COO as required.
Visiting Doctors, Specialists and Allied Health Professionals such as the dentist, ophthalmologist, optometrist, physiotherapist, KWHA and RFDS staff, are managed by and report to the CEO.