Services, Programs & Accreditation

Fowler's Bay Jetty

Clinic – Primary Health Care

(Funders: OATSIH, SA Health, RPHS, RDWA & Affiliates: RFDS, KWHA, AHCSA, NACCHO, KPML)

 The Clinic provides a comprehensive primary health care service; 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and on-call 24 hours. Tullawon employs three Registered Nurses and four Aboriginal Health Workers. RFDS visits three Wednesdays a month and the KWHA bring in GPs and other health specialists once a month.

 Burden of disease in our Community is very high, our health workers and nurses devote their time to provide quality medical services, monitor medications and maintain general health practices. The Clinic is AGPAL accredited and we will be renewing this accreditation this year (2014).

 Tullawon focuses on providing a holistic approach, keeping in mind all cultural, social and emotional aspects of Anangu life. As well as providing day to day health care – preventative health and health promotion – eg Women’s and Men’s Health Nights.

A few statistics (2012-2013):

  • 9,405 episodes of health care were provided between 1st July 2012 – 30th June 2013 (over 1,000 more than the previous financial year)
  • 94% of under 6 year olds (that are regular clients), are fully immunised
  • No baby born during this period was underweight

Aged Care & Disabilities

(Funders: ACFS, Disability SA, DoHA HACC, DCSI HACC)

Tullawon’s Day Centre provides an 8.30am-5pm day service for all Aged and Disabled clients in Yalata and transients from other communities. This day care program supports the social, emotional and physical needs of its aged and disabled clients. Assistance with showering, washing clothes, meals and social outings are provided.

In 2013 the eight Disability Units were opened in partnership with Disability SA, Housing SA and YCI to provide housing for our more independent clients.  

Child & Maternal Health

(Funders: OATSIH, NDIS, Shine SA, Affiliates: Save the Children)

As part of reducing the level and impact of chronic illness, we have a special focus on child and maternal health. We provide a safe place for mothers, fathers and their babies to gather; a nutrition program educating about healthy eating; and a range of parenting activities and advice. Mothers and babies hold cultural days, gathering bush medicine, story telling and cooking traditional foods.

 Strong Fathers, Strong Families

(Funder: OATSIH)

 The focus of SFSF is strengthening family relationships and creating a safe environment for men to talk and learn about health. It is important to provide a place for men to feel comfortable talking about their health, issues at home and share their knowledge and experiences. Education is provided about alcohol, drugs, domestic violence and sexual health. This service provides Men’s health days, camps and music/art workshops, which provides the opportunity for young Anangu men to learn about their history and cultural practices.

Social, Emotional, Wellbeing

(Funders: OATSIH, Healing Foundation)

 The SEWB program focuses on providing mental health services for local Community members. There is a strong focus on assisting the healing process of those directly and indirectly affected by the Stolen Generations. Aboriginal health is viewed in a holistic context that encompasses mental health and physical, cultural and spiritual health.

Dental Service

(Funder: SADS)

 The Dental Program focuses on Closing the Gap in oral health care and unmet dental needs by increasing access, creating oral health care plans and ensuring attendance. The Dental Program has an objective of screening under 5 year olds, implementing early intervention and prevention strategies and establishing a comprehensive school dental program. Attendance has been steadily increasing since the program was established in 2010.

 Executive Management & Administration

(Funders: All Programs)

 Tullawon is governed by a Board of nine Community representatives. The Community elect their own BoM to oversee the employment of staff, planning, managing and delivery of primary health care services. The CEO and APD report directly to the Board and oversee daily activity. They work closely with the EA, Admin/OH&S and BM. Collaboratively this team provides support for Management and the service as a whole.

Cultural Disclaimer

Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander users are advised that this website may contain images, voices and videos of deceased persons.

Users are warned that there may be words and descriptions that may be culturally sensitive and which might not normally be used in certain public or community contexts.

We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.